Writing, Editing, and Publishing Resources
Writing and Editing:
How to Fight Write (tumblr.com) - A blog where a variety of fighting and logistic questions are answered, from things like how a weapon would actually be used to things like an analysis of how a zombie outbreak doesn’t make a ton of sense in the popular media we often see. There’s a ton of useful (or even just interesting) information contained here for anyone looking to write fighting scenes, or just looking to learn something new!
Fix Your Writing Habits (tumblr.com) - This blog has a ton of posts to help with things from plotting to dialogue, to editing and beyond! If you click on the ‘Tags’ tab along the top of the desktop site, you can scroll to the category you want and read all the posts relating to that topic.
Reedsy • Your daily dose of writing, publishing and marketing advice - This one can go in both categories as it has wealth of posts with advice. From specific genre writing, to editing, to book proposals and more, Reedsy is a nice resource to check for information and tips. The Reedsy blog also has a ton of writing prompts and contests available.
Plot Generator - This website allows you to choose a format to create prompts, or a genre to create a blurb, to provide some inspiration. They have a host of other generators, including name and character ones, to help you fill your character roster if needed as well.
Query Shark - This blog has hundreds of fiction query examples along with feedback on those queries. I’ve found it incredibly helpful to see examples of queries, see feedback on how to improve them, and even get to see some of the reworked queries that are deemed send-able!
Query Tracker - This site has a ton of listed agents that you can sort through based on genre, location, and if they’re open to queries. You can track the queries you’ve sent, see how long they’ve been out, see comments from others who have queried the agent, and more. There are also publishers listed here you can sort through.
Writer Beware - A blog sponsored by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association, this site has a ton of information about publishing and agent scams, as well as news about the publishing industry overall. Writer Beware also has a list of publishing, marketing, and fake literary agency scams that is a great resource to check out.